Manfredonia Cathedral

Manfredonia, Italy

Manfredonia Cathedral is dedicated to Saint Laurence of Siponto, one of the patron saints of the city. The construction of a cathedral, after the transferral here of the seat of the bishops of Siponto, began in 1270 and finished in 1274. The first building was destroyed by the Turks in 1620, and was not rebuilt until 1700, using the ruins of the old Angevin church on the authority of the then bishop, Bartolomeo della Cueva, Cardinal Vincenzo Maria Orsini (later Pope Benedict XIII), and Mgr. Andrea Cesarano. Della Cueva modified the main entrance, moving it to the opposite end of the church. He also had the canons' stalls constructed and the main altar.

Formerly the main entrance was where the campanile now stands that was built by Cardinal Orsini in 1677. The bell from the old campanile given by Archbishop Marullo in 1646 and cast by the famous Napoletan bellsetter Onofrio Giordano was transferred to the new tower.

In the cathedral are frescoes of 1940-1941, by Natale Penati of Milan, representing: Pope Julius III and Pope Benedict XIII; the apparition of Saint Lawrence to Totila; Justinus and companions, the saints of Siponto; and the Martyrs of Forconio.

The protectress of Manfredonia is the Madonna of Siponto, and the protector, San Lorenzo Maiorano (Laurence of Siponto), whose body was moved here from Siponto by Bishop Matteo Orsini, a member of the Dominican Order and later a cardinal, on 30 October 1327. The painting and the statue of the Madonna with her splendid crown of gold sprinkled with diamonds were blessed by Cardinal Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, later Pope John XXIII, on 28 August 1955, the feast of the Coronation of the Virgin.

During the fire and the destruction of the cathedral by the Turks the body of Saint Laurence was also destroyed, except for the right arm, which remains in the cathedral today.

In the 1960s at the wish of the bishop Cesarano the new façade in travertine marble was constructed, which incorporates the marble statue of John XXIII created by the sculptor Aronne del Vecchio.



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Founded: 1270
Category: Religious sites in Italy

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4.6/5 (based on Google user reviews)

User Reviews

Massimo Avitabile (2 years ago)
Majestic on the outside. Very collected inside. There is also the Madonnina di Siponto. Some days of the week, such as Tuesday afternoon, if it is open, the museum next to the church is also visible for free.
leonardo dattolico (2 years ago)
Not visited therefore 3 stars to review the place
Cat (3 years ago)
Wonderful cathedral embellished with a very successful play of lights. It is a vision that emerges from the narrow streets of the old city leaving the visitor amazed. Unforgettable night.
Relax Take your time (3 years ago)
Beautiful cathedral, really impressive, the lights are projected at 20:15!
Ivo Pierni (3 years ago)
Less than you expect
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