San Nicandro Castle

San Nicandro Garganico, Italy

San Nicandro castle as we see it today dates from the 15th century although it was built on the site of a much more older fortress dating from the Norman and Swabian periods.

The castle is trapeze shaped with four corner towers, and was renovated during the 17th century. On the north side there are two square towers, one of which is one of the original towers, while on the south side there are two round towers built by the Aragonese which are behind the church.

The castle, which was actually built as a mansion, was the usual residence of the Della Marra and all the vassals of San Nicandro Garganico until the time of the Cattaneo Princes. In the 16th century the castle was integrated with the gateway to the east and the lodge was built that connected the castle with a large palace built between the door and the walls of the castle.


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Founded: 15th century
Category: Castles and fortifications in Italy


4.4/5 (based on Google user reviews)

User Reviews

Ufo Contacy (20 months ago)
It is unacceptable for a castle to remain closed to the public forever. Take an example from that of Torremaggiore.
Francesco Russi (2 years ago)
A show ... to visit
caro Town (2 years ago)
The castle stands in the ancient medieval village of Sannicandro and is its most important point. The loggia that connects the building to a nearby building is particularly pretty. On our arrival the castle was closed. However, we were able to see the small old village animated by the Sannicandro 'nnammurat event: a journey reminiscent of the great loves of history, with characters in period costumes and tastings of local products. Really very impressive.
nereo trovo (2 years ago)
To visit the old city, where there is the castle, pay attention to the things left in the car. Advice received from residents.
mario parente (2 years ago)
In the historic center of san nicandro garganico One of the most beautiful points of the town that represents the essence of the past. It is just a pity that everything is little valued and a little abandoned. less cared for. In any case it is worth making a detour
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