Sineus and Truvor were the brothers of Rurik, a chieftain of the Varangian Rus tribe considered to be the founder of the Rurik dynasty, which ruled the Kievan Rus. According to the Russian Primary Chronicle, the town of Izborsk was the seat of Truvor from 862 to 864. Although his burial mound is still shown to occasional tourists, archaeological excavations of long barrows abounding in the vicinity did not reveal the presence of the Varangian settlement at the site, which indicates that Izborsk was an important centre of the early Krivichs.

Truvor's gorodishche is a settlement about half a kilometer north from the fortress that came about in the late 7th and early 8th century, and proceeded to grow twice in size in the 10th and 11th centuries. It was the predecessor of the Izborsk Fortress, protected by an oakwood wall which was later upgraded to stone, 3 meters in height by 3 meters in width in the 12th century. Though Truvor's gorodishche is mostly destroyed, a small part of the wall remains today.



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Izborsk, Russia
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Founded: 9th century AD
Category: Prehistoric and archaeological sites in Russia


4.8/5 (based on Google user reviews)

User Reviews

АлександрР (9 months ago)
Бывали здесь многократно начиная с 2003 года каждый год или через год. За эти годы выправили Труворов крест в вертикальное положение, почистили его, поставили ограду в виде мощной цепи. Сказать, что стало лучше не могу, всё-таки стоит оставлять некоторые древние места такими, какие они есть и не делать лучшее от хорошего. Если кто видел картину Рериха Николая про это место, может сравнить, на сколько всё изменилось за столетие здесь. На городищенском озере стало гораздо больше белых лебедей, мы насчитали девять взрослых и ещё и малыши. Периодически можно увидеть пасущиеся или пролетающих мимо аистов, а также баражирующих или падающих камнем с неба хищников. Прекрасные ароматы лугов, очень красивые ниспадающие ключи со вкуснейший водой. Можно спуститься вниз и увидеть ключ Кипун, очень интересное место с белоснежным песочком, в котором бьёт ключ. Рядом туф. И не так далеко Мальский монастырь. Много можно было бы ещё что рассказать, но лучше всё это один раз увидеть.
Александра Я (2 years ago)
Historical place, beautiful observation deck, Truvorov cross and church. All in one place. I recommend!
Алексей Иванов (2 years ago)
If you approach the Truvorov settlement itself, an amazing panorama of the remains of the fortress will appear before your eyes. The fortress is very well located: on the top of a high hill in the shape of a triangle. On one side it is protected by Gorodishchenskoe Lake and the Dry Swamp, on the other by Velesov Ravine and the Zmeinaya Balka tract. Alas, bad weather did not allow me to go down to the Altar Stone, which served as an idol in pagan times, the “Head of Veles” stone... In the hollow you can see the gate - the old entrance to the settlement. At the top of the rampart there is an Estonian security sign dating back to the times when the Pechora district of the Pskov region was part of Estonia (1920-1940s). Truvorovo settlement is one of the places associated with the earliest pages of the Old Russian state. A must visit here.
Роман Мелещенко (2 years ago)
We spent the whole day in Izborsk and received a lot of positive emotions. Expositions, exhibitions, special thanks to our guide Sofia. We talked with the local residents, they were open, hospitable, and loved their small homeland. We learned a lot of interesting things. The pancake place is super, the local cat is very well-mannered.
Olga Ivlieva (4 years ago)
From here, amazing! Already captures the spirit! The only downside is that you need to go here through the existing cemetery.
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