Northburgh Castle

Greencastle, Ireland

Northburgh Castle, also known as Green Castle or Greencastle Castle, is a 13th/14th-century ruin in Greencastle, Ireland. Completed in 1305 by Richard Óg de Burgh, it controlled Lough Foyle and served expansion plans. Edward Bruce captured it in 1316, and it later became an O'Doherty stronghold. The castle features an oval enclosure with a twin-towered gatehouse and a later large tower. Influenced by Edward I, it symbolized a shift from pure military structures to administrative centers. Damaged by cannon fire, the castle is now managed by the Irish government and accessible from the town and shore.


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Founded: 1305
Category: Castles and fortifications in Ireland

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4/5 (based on Google user reviews)

User Reviews

roy sendall (10 months ago)
Just for looking at from the outside but the walk along the seashore is spectacular
Kent English (10 months ago)
The castle was fenced off with no access to get closer than 30 yards.
Gorka Kortabarria (13 months ago)
Axel Müller (16 months ago)
Peter Moore (2 years ago)
A stunning castle, built in 1305 by Richard Óg de Burgh, 2nd Earl of Ulster. Northburgh (Greencastle) Castle was sited to control Lough Foyle. It has one of the most significant and splendid gatehouses of the Anglo-Norman castles of Ireland with fine sandstone detailing. The castle is easily found/accessed through two gated entrances, although the shore is said to be the best vantage point for it. There is access to the vaulted cellar levels, but there is loose stonework, so caution is urged. William Donn de Burgh (William de Burgh), 3rd Earl of Ulster and grandson of Richard Óg de Burgh, had his cousin Sir Walter Liath de Burgh starved to death in the castle in 1332. His murder aged 20, as revenge for the act led to the Burke Civil War.
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