Chivert Castle

Alcalà de Xivert, Spain

Chivert Castle (or Xivert Castle) is located along the south-western foothills of the Sierra de Irta. It is of Muslim origin, dating from the late 11th to early 12th centuries, but following the reconquest of the square by Christian forces under the command of the Knights Templar, it underwent subsequent modifications that can still be seen today. For example, the separation of the castle and the town by means of a wall, the imposing stonemasonry walls and twin circular towers.


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Founded: 11th century
Category: Castles and fortifications in Spain


4.4/5 (based on Google user reviews)

User Reviews

Tomas (8 months ago)
Nice view, no tickets required Gravel road to uphill parking is bumpy
firsthippy (9 months ago)
Steep off road ride up to the castle ruins. Well signed and displays detailing history of castle. Great views. Worth the detour
Dora Hoffer (17 months ago)
Magical Castillo!!! And panorama! Free to visit! From the internet: "At the foot of the castle, on the terrain between the top and the cliffs of the Xivert mountain, a Muslim population centre (10th-11th centuries until 1609) could be found. After the conquest of these lands by the Crown of Aragon, this population continues to occupy it by virtue of a surrender treaty that allowed the permanence on their lands and the legal and religious maintenance of the Muslim inhabitants in exchange for recognising certain feudal rights of the Order of the Temple. In 1609 the expulsion of the Moors and the consequent abandonment of the town was decreed"
Martin Greenhalgh (17 months ago)
A challenging drive up to reach this castle which dates from the Knights Templar period unless you have an SUV. Fantastic views of the surrounding countryside from the top once you are there. Not too difficult a walk to reach the castle once parked.
J.C. van Doesburg (5 years ago)
Historically important and worth visiting. Unfortunately, cultural heritage isn't kept well, therefore, it is important to appreciate these places. Hopefully, something will change and efforts will be put into preservation of medieval and even much older times as a reminder of where it all came from.
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