Dun Ara was a stronghold of the MacKinnon clan who held the land here from 1354 onwards. The castle was still in use until the 17th century when it was abandoned. The castle was probably built on the site of a previous Dun or fort. The castle had a surrounding wall protecting a central keep or building on the main outcrop of rock. The location was valuable as it protected a harbour of boat landing as well.

The castle was fortified by enclosing the entire rock summit with a curtain-wall of stone and lime, which varies from about 1.3 m to 1.8 m in thickness. It is best preserved on the north-east side, where it rises to a maximum height of 1.8 m, but little remains on the south-west and south-east sides. The masonry was built with coarse, lime mortar, much of it has washed out of the facework giving it the appearance of dry-stone walling. It is possible that in places the lower courses of masonry pre-date the medieval castle and belong to an earlier fort that occupied the same site. The entrance is on the south-east side.



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Founded: 14th century
Category: Miscellaneous historic sites in United Kingdom


4.6/5 (based on Google user reviews)

User Reviews

marion moulton (2 years ago)
Beautiful location and fantastic swim
Dominick Ewing (2 years ago)
An iron age fort atop a rugged marine outcrop. Although there's not much to see now, the views are stunning and the wildlife around it is abundant. With a little imagination you can really feel what it must have been like living in this place thousands of years ago.
Joe Hedley (2 years ago)
Dramatic landscape and other worldly setting
Cathy Sims (3 years ago)
Beautiful walk out to the Dun from Glengorm Castle. Lovely views from the Dun. Coffee shop at start of walk was great.
Calum Maclean (3 years ago)
Peaceful, tranquil, beautiful spot. Not much of the Dun left to see but what a spot. Stunning views, loads of wildlife to see including otters, white tailed sea eagles, deer, mountain hare... and there is a bathing pool of you want a dip!!!
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