Teurnia was a Roman city in western Carinthia. In late antiquity it was also a bishop's see, and towards the end of Roman times it was mentioned as the capital of the province of Noricum mediterraneum.

As early as 1100 BC, people had lived there on Holzerberg hill, which may well have also been the centre of the Celtic Taurisci nation. Before c. 50 AD the Roman town was built with a forum, a market basilica, a temple on the city's Capitol, Thermae or public baths, terraced housing on two terraces, and a temple dedicated to Grannus, the Celtic counterpart deity of Aesculap, god of medicine and healing, but in Teurnia invoked as Grannus Apollo. Usually older hill-top settlements were moved by the Romans to lower-lying areas with the one exception of the oppidum at Teurnia in the tribal region of the Ambidravi, where old names are said to have been retained and no renaming took place.

Teurnia was one of the largest places in all Noricum with, in its peak period, a population of 30,000. Towards the end of the Empire the population decreased; people left the housing terraces, and the slopes being no longer suitable for agriculture were used as cemeteries. At the same time walls went up surrounding the hilltop with material from the deserted houses.

By the 4th century, Teurnia was already a Christian town and it was a bishop's see until the city's decline and its end in 610.


Holzerberg hill was a well-known place of antique finds as early as the Middle Ages. Professional excavations began with the accidental discovery of the cemetery church in 1908. The mosaic of its donor, the praeses or governor Ursus, in the right side-chapel of the three-naved basilica is in near-perfect preservation. In twelve pictures the mosaic shows christological, mythological and biblical symbols as well as the names of one Ursus, the donor, and his spouse, Ursina.

In 1984, the Early-Christian bishop's church was discovered, which has now been roofed over and is open to visitors. The episcopal church was built at the beginning of the 5th century and a century later, after a destructive fire, was rebuilt in basilica style with three naves and three apses.

In the village centre of St. Peter-in-Holz there is a recent 'Römer-Museum' exhibiting numerous artefacts from the city area of Teurnia. Nearby are the preserved remains of a Roman town villa or villa urbana boasting a simple hypocaust in form of the letter Y. Next to the bishop's church the Hospitium, the bishop's guest house, was found, but for protection purposes it has been covered with soil again. More excavation work is going on. Information on the city's history and the excavation work is provided in display cases all over the area.



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Founded: 50 AD
Category: Prehistoric and archaeological sites in Austria

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4.6/5 (based on Google user reviews)

User Reviews

Hans Wegendt (Veilchen04111974) (13 months ago)
Definitely worth a visit. Impressive excavations. The most stunning was the mosaic in the church, but you have to borrow the key for it from the ticket office in the museum, but it's worth seeing
HBP (13 months ago)
Very friendly and helpful man behind the counter. Nice museum, doesn't seem big but it consists of two buildings. A building with various objects and a large building where the ruins of a church from 400 AD can be viewed. Further on in the forest you can also see where a Roman town villa stood.
Anne-Marijke Boers (14 months ago)
Visited this museum with couple and 2 adult children. We could enter for 12 euros with a family ticket! Nice and interesting but not very big or varied. It is mainly an exhibition of all found remains. If you're interested in history, be sure to check it out. And also a walk around the neatly maintained cemetery on the other side of the road. The access road (according to Maps) was closed and no alternative route was mentioned, which would have been nice if there was.
mariann poirier (14 months ago)
Seemed to be a very good museim- unfortunatrly the film and all exhibit displays are only in German. I geel I must have missed alot
Jan Simovich-Popp (14 months ago)
Totally interesting and beautifully edited! Very friendly employee who even navigated us up the route by phone (the main route was blocked with downed trees-> storm the day before) The information boards are written in a really interesting way - one of the few times I really stopped at every single one and read them through! My personal highlight was being able to carve something into a huge block of marble. All in all a great day trip! Hats off to the state of Carinthia- the museums are all really very interesting and lovingly designed.
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