Krupka Castle Ruins

Krupka, Czech Republic

Krupka castle was probably founded by John of Bohemia sometime around the year 1320 when the king wanted to boost fortifications in the border region with Saxony. King John donated the castle, together with the town of Krupka, the tin mines and Trmice in 1330 to the Meissen noble Thimoteus (Těma) of Kolditz. Thimoteus subsequently purchased the Kirchlice fort and in 1335 made a contract with the Lords of Bergau to adjust the border between the Krupka and Geisberg (Supí hora) estates. Thimoteus was an important figure in King John’s court, accompanying him with other noblemen in his tours of Europe. The Kolditz family held Krupka, with an eight-year pause, until 1504, a total of 166 years.

The castle was founded on a high rocky promontory accessed from the north. A channel was cut at the section where the promontory was lowest to reduce the level further. Above this, the original castle was built with a roughly rectangular north-south facing layout, approximately 20 x 55 m in size. Its dominating square tower (palace) was both residential and defensive in nature, stood in the north-western corner of the castle walls and likely comprised three storeys (its form has not been preserved). Of the rectangular tower in the eastern castle walls, which guarded the path through the town below, only the ground floor with its Gothic pointed entrance remains.

At the end of the 15th century, grand fortifications were built which significantly extended the construction. An entrance alley from the western wall and along the building was probably constructed for castle workers, and two semicircle bastions were also built. In 1695, a house was built onto the first of these in 1695 for the noble upper authority. Although in the 17th century the castle itself no longer fulfilled its defensive and residential roles and its remains fell into disrepair, life on the promontory continued. The Krupka estate’s authorities and upper administration were based in the official house.

The Romantic era of the 19th century rediscovered the derelict castle, with the whole area and surroundings being repaired and opened to the public, and the official house turned into a restaurant. It was visitors to the Teplice spas in particular who used the site for trips and relaxation, and they admired the roses in the manor gardens. More than 100 varieties grew there, and this is why the castle began to be known as the Rose Castle (Růžový hrad – Rosenburg). A constant problem, however, was the crumbling castle walls and how to secure them.



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Horská, Krupka, Czech Republic
See all sites in Krupka


Founded: c. 1320
Category: Castles and fortifications in Czech Republic

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User Reviews

Tomáš Candra (5 years ago)
Sli jsme cestou z Komari vizky, takze prijemna prochazka z kopce. Hrad vypada zajimave a ma i zachovale podzemi. Videl jsem i dve ohniste. To ale netusim zda se smi ci nesmi. Za mne celkove fajn prochazka a zastavka.
Radek Weingart (5 years ago)
Krásná zřícenina. Přístupná od města Krupky a od Fojtovic. Příjemné posezení a možnost provedení piknyku. Po prohlídce okolí, bych ho dobíjet nechtěl. Dříve tu rádi přespali trempové.
Peter Heilbutt (5 years ago)
Mám velice rád toto místo už od dětství. Opravdu jde poslední dobou vidět jak zřícenina chátrá a chátrá. Dobře to jde vidět na zbytku věže, ale tak to prostě je
Vladimir Pecha (6 years ago)
Zřícenina pohraničního hradu z počátku 14. století se rozkládá na vysokém ostrohu nad obcí Unčín, asi 1 km SV od města Krupky. Přesné datum, kdy Kyšperk vznikl, není známo. Pravděpodobně byl založen (podobně jako Střekov) z iniciativy krále Jana Lucemburského počátkem 14. století. Jako první písemně doložený majitel hradu je k roku 1319 uváděn Ota z Bergova. Později patřil Kyšperk pražskému arcibiskupství. V roce 1526 vyhořel a už nebyl obnoven. Dochovaly se zbytky jádra s věží, obvodové hradby, sklepení a část obytné věže na předhradí. Značně rozsáhlý hrad měl trojdílnou dispozici. Její první část stávala ve svahu při vstupní cestě a měla čistě obranný charakter. Na skále nad čelním příkopem se vypínalo hradní jádro. To bývalo oddělené další, dnes již zcela zaniklou hradební zdí a obsahovalo hranolovou obytnou věž – z ní se dochovaly zaklenuté suterénní prostory a zřejmě další dvě palácová křídla. K nejzajímavějším částem Kyšperka patří návštěvnicky atraktivní podzemí. Hradní zříceniny jsou celoročně volně přístupné. The ruins of a border castle from the beginning of the 14th century are situated on a high promontory above the village of Unčín, about 1 km NE from the town of Krupka. The exact date when Kyšperk was formed is unknown. It was probably founded (like nearby Střekov) at the initiative of King Jan Lucemburský at the beginning of the 14th century. The first written record owner of the castle is 1319 Ota of Bergov. Later, Kyšperk belonged to the Prague Archbishopric. In 1526 it burned down and was not restored anymore. The remnants of the core with the tower, the perimeter walls, the cellars, and the part of the residential tower preserved until today. The vast castle had three parts. Its first part stood on a slope along the entrance road and had a purely defensive character. On the rock above the front moat the castle core was built. It was separated by wall (now completely destroyed) and it contained a prismatic residential tower - the vaulted basement spaces are also preserved. The most interesting parts of Kyšperk include visually attractive cellars and sutterain. Castle ruins are freely accessible all year round.
Petr Petzet (6 years ago)
An ordinary castle ruin. It's a good place to chill at whole you're walking down the hill with a lift, it's right next to a "blue" path.
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