Nelahozeves Castle

Nelahozeves, Czech Republic

The construction on Nelahozeves Castle began under the orders of Florian Griesbeck von Griesbach, a Tyrolean aristocrat and adviser to Emperor Ferdinand I, who commissioned the building from royal master builder Bonifaz Wolmut. The castle took more than sixty years to build and was completed at the beginning of the 17th century, more than a decade after Florian's death.

However, financial difficulties forced the von Griesbach family to sell the castle to Polyxena, 1st Princess Lobkowicz (1566-1642), in 1623. The castle was severely damaged during the Thirty Years' War, but was reconstructed by Václav Eusebius, 2nd Prince Lobkowicz (1609-1677), who used the castle as the center for administration and management of his estates.

The castle never served as the Lobkowicz family’s primary residence. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was home to the Order of the Sisters of God's Love, a religious institution for widowed or unmarried noblewomen founded by Princess Wilhelmina Lobkowicz (1863-1945).

Nelahozeves Castle was confiscated by the Communist government in 1948, and housed an exhibition of modern socialist art run by the Czech Regional Gallery in the 1970s and 80s. It was returned to the Lobkowicz family in 1993, and now features an exhibition of historical period rooms, demonstrating the lifestyle of a Bohemian noble family in the mid-19th century. The castle also houses part of the Lobkowicz collection of paintings.



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Founded: 1553
Category: Castles and fortifications in Czech Republic


4.6/5 (based on Google user reviews)

User Reviews

Soninka (6 months ago)
A nice little station, only the direction from Prague to Ústí is a bit more complicated, you have to go through the underpass and up the stairs and it's quite a long way, if someone doesn't know it and is in a hurry. There is no marking anywhere.
Stefan Belko (3 years ago)
The very nicely maintained Nelahozeves castle is owned by the Lobkowitz family, there is a tour of the well-preserved interiors, furniture and paintings, the castle is definitely worth seeing. The A. Dvorak museum is nearby. It is also easily accessible from Prague by train in about 50 minutes from Masaryk railway station.
Vladimir Pecha (3 years ago)
The railway station Nelahozeves zámek was built on the double-track line 090 Prague - Děčín, on which transport started in 1850. It does not provide check-in, it takes place on the train. The station building underwent a complete renovation in 2019. The municipality rented the space from the Railway Administration for a long time, and today you can literally find a luxurious information center here. Access to any platform is not barrier-free. The station is an ideal starting point for visiting the local castle. The Nelahozeves Chateau railway station was built on the double-track line 090 Prague - Děčín, on which the transport started in 1850. It does not provide check-in, this takes place on the train. The station building was completely renovated in 2019. The municipality leased the space from the Railway Administration for a long time and today you will find a literally luxurious information center in it. There is no wheelchair access to any of the platforms. The station is an ideal starting point for a visit to the local castle.
Iv M (6 years ago)
Beautiful renaissance chateau of House of Lobkowitz. We went there for their advent market which was pretty creative and we found it much more elaborate and interesting than any Christmas market in Prague. Architecture is really impressive as well as the interiors. Tour was informative and we had a very friendly guide. Its a nice day trip by train along the Vltava river and train stop is right under the chateau so its easy to find.
Alma Šťáhlavská (7 years ago)
Nelahozeves je Dvořákovo rodiště (původně Nelahodova ves) Zámek Nelahozeves : Na stěnách severního reprezentačního křídla zámku jsou dochována sgrafita, která byla v nedávné době restaurovaná. Znázorňují scény z Bible a antické mytologie. Je příkladem italského castella s bastiony a přístupem po kamenném mostě přes příkop Zámek Nelahozeves je trojkřídlá, dvoupodlažní budova sevřená na nárožích lichoběžníkovými bastiony po způsobu italských kastelů. Pevnostní dojem křídel zdůrazňuje sokl z bosovaných kvádrů, který prolamují arkády a portály. Zdi postavené převážně z kamene jsou zdobeny sgrafity (zobrazují mytologické výjevy a scény ze Starého zákona – podle knih, předloh se vzory architektury a výzdobných prvků s rytinami převážně Virgilia Solise, ale také Albrechta Dürera (Adam a Eva), které většinou pocházely z Německa a Itálie). Nádvoří je z jihu uzavřeno pouze nízkou zdí, neboť finanční prostředky došly před vybudováním čtvrté části. Arkády, z nichž byly přístupny jednotlivé místnosti zámku, byly původně otevřené, což je typickým znakem italského stylu. Vzhledem k chladnějšímu středoevropskému klimatu byly později zaskleny. Hlavní a nejrychleji se rozvíjející linií byli Popelové z Lobkovic. Již od počátku vsadili vše na věrnost katolické víře a Habsburkům. Po bitvě na Bílé Hoře získali obrovský majetek zkupováním konfiskací. Roku 1599 ze Zdeněk Vojtěch z Lobkovic stává nejvyšším kancléřem Českého království. Sňatkem s Polyxenou z Pernštejna získává Roudnici a roku 1623 byl povýšen do stavu říšských knížat. Umírá roku 1628. Lobkovicové jsou dodnes žijící a bohatě rozvětvený rod.
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