Sarmiento Castle

Fuentes de Valdepero, Spain

15th century castle in Sarmiento belonged to the important Sarmiento family. Its last owner was the House of Alba. Acquired by the Provincial Council of Palencia, we can visit the tower, its rooms and its ramparts. It hosts an exhibition entitled PlastiHistoria, showing various scenes made in clay on the history of Palencia. Its keep has a height of 22 meters and the thickness of its walls is the largest of the Spanish castles, reaching 11 meters thick in some places



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User Reviews

Justiniano de Campos (5 years ago)
Impecable restauracion y puesta en valor. Al lado de Palencia y barato el acceso. Recomendable si pasas por la zona
Francisco Javier (5 years ago)
Sencillo. Muy sucia la azotea de excrementos de las palomas. En la planta superior suele tener alguna exposición. Entrada quizás algo cara para lo que realmente se ve en su interior, pero aceptable si pensamos que es una contribución para mantener el patrimonio.
Juan C (5 years ago)
Bonito castillo y curiosa historia perfectamente narrada por las dos chicas que hacen la visita guiada, quienes con su expresión impregnan sensaciones y captan la emoción de hasta los más pequeños. ¡Enhorabuena chicas!
Susana Vegas (5 years ago)
Fantástica la visita guiada... mis hijos y yo misma salimos encantados... lo recomiendo a todo el mundo, merece la pena!!
mat_ bmeijer (7 years ago)
Is actually closed during the week, only open on the weekends. As such, you can olny see it from the outside
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Stobi was an ancient town of Paeonia located near Gradsko. It is considered by many to be the most famous archaeological site in North Macedonia. Stobi was built where the Erigon (Crna River) joins the Axios (Vardar), making it strategically important as a center for both trade and warfare.

Stobi developed from a Paeonian settlement established in the Archaic period. It is believed that in 217 BCE, Philip V annexed Paionia during his campaign against the Dardani who had entered Bylazora, the largest Paeonian town.

The city was first mentioned in writing by the historian Livy, in connection with a victory of Philip V of Macedon over the Dardani in 197 BC. In 168 BC, the Romans defeated Perseus and Macedonia was divided into four nominally independent republics. In 148 BC, the four areas of Macedonia were brought together in a unified Roman province. In the reign of Augustus the city grew in size and population.