User Reviews
Matteo Caro (2 years ago)
Siempre nos emociona ir a Caracena, y nunca puede faltar una visita a su increíble castillo. Un lugar altamente pedagógico en el que se puede leer con gran facilidad todos los ingredientes propios de una arquitectura militar del tardomedioevo español. Desde la resolución programática distributiva hasta su lógica defensiva. Un lugar fantástico para poder narrar y mostrar a los más pequeños como se articulaban dichas fortalezas. Sin renunciar, en ningún momento, a un “genio del lugar” sin precedentes, que nos consigue conmover por su sublime carga romántica y por su capacidad sugestiva. La virtud de llevarnos a aquella época sin ataduras o reminiscencias de lo contemporáneo.
Alejandro Bueno Moraga (2 years ago)
Pretty village. And again after touring a castle in the province, whoever has the competence to rebuild it could take the trouble to invent it instead of inventing useless ministries. Nice castle east of Caracena and a pity like so many others.
Sergio Alda Bueno (3 years ago)
For how little care and attention it is by the administrations, it is kept in an exceptional state. It is worth going to see it.
Very high tourist potential if it was fixed a little.
Oscar Zamora (4 years ago)
If it is true that the distance to the castle is written and that there is a path that apparently points the way. But they had to make a path for the best climb up the hill. And on the other hand, if you live practically from tourism, take care a little more of the exterior aesthetics of the castle, I do not ask for a restoration even if it is some gardening and access routes. For the rest it is an architectural jewel of essential conservation for future generations.
Miguel Domínguez (4 years ago)
lovely place