User Reviews
Renato (10 months ago)
The Basilica of SS Peter and Paul is a Basilica located in the hamlet of Agliate, in the valley of the Lambro river. It was the seat of a Roman rural district with an important civil and religious role. Worth visiting.
Edera (2 years ago)
I pass over the detailed description of this exceptional building as several reviewers have already thought of it before me. I will just say that I was thrilled by its beauty and perfection. In this place one has the impression of being centuries away from our time. Tranquility accompanies the visitor who wants to discover so much grace and if an expert guide tells the story of the basilica and the baptistery, the enrichment will be complete. It is also very pleasant to walk in the adjacent park and admire the surroundings.
Emanu Spe (3 years ago)
Basilica e Battistero in stile romanico imponenti e affascinanti. Ben tenuti e valorizzati come tutta l'area circostante. Disponibile depliant esplicativo esauriente che permette di apprezzare i tanti dettagli d'interesse, come gli affreschi, il materiale antico di reimpiego (capitello con foglie d'acanto stilizzate e delfini, che richiamano il Lambro; parti del fusto di alcune colonne) gli elementi appartenenti a precedenti edifici già esistenti in questa area (antiche are, base di alcune colonne, visibili grazie a lastre trasparenti inserite nella pavimentazione).
Stefano Masnaghetti (4 years ago)
It is the most important Romanesque monument in Brianza. Erected between the 10th and 11th centuries, it is a testimony of the inestimable value of the very first period of this artistic movement, as much as Santa Maria Maggiore in Lomello, of which the church / baptistery arrangement also recalls. Both the first and the second are characterized by river pebbles masonry arranged in a herringbone pattern, a typical Romanesque construction technique. The simplicity of the monumental complex is disarming, and this is part of the irresistible charm of the basilica. The raised presbytery with underlying crypt is another common element of these churches built at the turn of the year 1000: it is found in San Michele ad Oleggio and in the aforementioned Santa Maria Maggiore, but there are many examples. The wooden trussed ceiling and the reuse of Roman columns to separate the three naves are other elements that speak the language of the very early Romanesque, and which even refer to the early medieval Ottonian architecture. The remains of frescoes in the main apse and in the baptistery are also beautiful, and the bell tower is superb.
Giovanni Camesasca (4 years ago)
Romanesque church built around the year 1000. It is one of the rare examples of Romanesque in Brianza, well preserved still shows fragments of frescoes. As usual at the time it was built with recycled material, some columns seem to come from a previous pagan temple