Castle da Rocha Forte

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Castle da Rocha Forte was built by Archbishop Juan Arias around 1240 and has since served as an archbishop's and cabildo's residence, witnessing much of the medieval history of Santiago. In the year 1255 appears the first documentary mention of the fortress in relation to the capitular constitutions of Juan Arias. The castle was situated in a strategic location by road from Padrón village to Santiago. Pilgrims followed that route from Portugal.

In addition to its purpose for defence, the castle was also a home for the Archbishop, which could provide the men of the local church a shelter from rioting citizens. In 1317, Berenguel de Landoira was nominated as Archbishop. The residents did not like him and started a rebellion. Archbishop Landoira had all the leaders of the rebellion executed. In the 15th century in Irmandiño wars the castle was damaged badly and it was abandoned. Later, in 1472 the walls were dismantled. During the Franco era the ruins were used as a hideout. In 1962, an electricity pylon was installed to the castle area.

Since 2001, a series of archaeological excavations have been carried out, thanks to an agreement between the City Council of Santiago and the University of Santiago de Compostela, in order to recover the deposit and consolidate it by means of the creation of an Archaeological Park.



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Founded: c. 1240
Category: Castles and fortifications in Spain

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User Reviews

Darío Rodríguez Camba (3 years ago)
In the vicinity of Santiago, in Rocha Vella, there are the remains of the Rocha Forte fortress, which was once the symbol of medieval feudal oppression over the inhabitants of the region. It is accessed by a narrow road that leads to a small and poorly conditioned dirt parking lot. At present the whole of the Fortress of Rocha Forte is partially conditioned and is fenced in all its perimeter. Inside we will be able to appreciate the remains of walls, cubes, moats and even stone projectiles for catapults.
Javier Santos (3 years ago)
En los paneles explicativos se aprecia muy bien lo grandioso que fue ese castillo.
Raquel Moreno López (3 years ago)
It's a shame, there is nothing, there are hardly any ruins, poorly signposted, narrow goat paths, not wasting time going.
Francisco Fuenmayor (3 years ago)
Historic ruins of great value. Unfortunately it is very neglected. All overgrown. Horses grazing in the place. A real shame. There is no nearby cafeteria. I don't recommend it as a plan to hang out. If you are there, then nothing, come and look.
JAVI REGO (3 years ago)
Hidden but fabulous. For a visit and delve into history.
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